Extraordinary, diverse talents mark inaugural “10 Women Rising in Gaming”

  • Rege Behe, CDC Gaming

Cassie Stratford started working in the gaming industry in 2012. Over those 11 years, Stratford, senior vice President, legal operations and compliance at Boyd Gaming, has noticed a perceptible difference in the makeup of industry personnel. “Even at the outset of my career, I felt very positive,” says Stratford, who also serves as president of the advocacy group Global Gaming Women. “But I do feel like I’m seeing a lot more women rise to executive levels.”

Women are increasingly prevailing as decision-makers and vital contributors to their companies. They have diverse backgrounds and hail from Alaska, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, and points in between. And they tend to be younger, well-educated, and determined to not only to chart careers, but significantly impact the industry.

Stratford and Global Gaming Women Association Director Kelly Hatch were asked to help select ten women under 40 who are shattering stereotypes in the gaming industry.

CDC Gaming asked each participant how they got their start in gaming, their initial and current impressions of the industry, and where they’re headed.

Here are their stories.

Click each recipient to read their interview.