Koin Payments brings cashless to Table Trac’s KTMobile app

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 3:22 PM
Photo:  Composite CDC Gaming
  • United States
  • Rege Behe, CDC Gaming

Koin Payments, Marker Trax, and Minnesota-based Table Trac Wednesday announced a partnership to introduce cashless payment solutions to CasinoTrac’s KTMobile app.

The partnership will enable CasinoTrac’s Cashless in a Box solution to offer customers a single, digital wallet for gaming, food and beverage, and retail spending. The Marker Trax integration will give customers access to digital marker functionality in approved markets.

“When we filed for our first patent on what has now become KT Mobile in 2018, I wanted to bring the entire player rewards experience from the game screen to the player’s phone,” said Table Trac President Chad Hoehne. “Embedding Koin and Marker Trax financial services functionality within the reliable and proven CasinoTrac CMS is the realization of my original vision.”

“Gaming customers want the functionality of being able to handle all their transactions from a single touchpoint, the same way it’s available in nearly every other facet of their lives,” said Koin President Gary Larkin in a statement. “Koin and Marker Trax have been at the forefront of bringing consumers the digital solutions they want in the gaming space, and we’re proud to work with partners like Table Trac who share that vision.”

Koin Payments is an affiliate of Marker Trax. Both companies are based in Las Vegas.

“Cashless is no longer the industry’s future; it’s the present,” said Marker Trax President Charlie Skinner. “Companies like Table Trac are embracing this technology and all-in-one functionality for the ultimate benefit of their customers, and of the industry as a whole.”

Through Table Trac’s digital currency transfer solution, and with the benefit of Koin and Marker Trax integration, customers will have full cashless functionality throughout a property.

Rege Behe is lead contributor to CDC Gaming. He can be reached at rbehe@cdcgaming.com. Please follow @RegeBehe_exPTR on Twitter.