Although Richmond’s last referendum on allowing a casino within city limits was a close vote of 51% against and 49% in favor, both sides seemed to agree that the proposed placement of the facility south of the James River played a crucial role in helping voters make up their minds. Does the casino proposal represent a new investment in a long-neglected part of town, or is it just the latest example of the city dumping unwanted industries in Black and Brown areas?
While much attention has been given to one of the casino’s backers calling local organizers against the project the N-word and “a Jew,” the planned wages being close to the state minimum, one of the firm’s failure to file required financial reports, and the pro-casino camp’s more than $8 million in spending on free lunches, free rides to and from the polls, and a free Isley Brothers concert to turn out the vote, little analysis has focused on the actual Southside site where Urban One and Churchill Downs would build the Richmond Grand Resort and Casino.