UK: Rank Group’s Mecca to combine bingo and spin classes

UK: Rank Group’s Mecca to combine bingo and spin classes

Article brief provided by Gambling Insider
  • Gambling Insider
January 3, 2024 8:08 PM

In an effort to cater to the evolving fitness preferences of Brits in 2024, Mecca Bingo has introduced a new fitness concept called Mecca Spingo. This unique combination of exercise and bingo aims to help customers stick to their New Year’s fitness resolutions by merging bingo with spinning.

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The concept involves spin instructors doubling as bingo callers and leading classes from the saddle of a spin bike. As participants pedal to energetic tracks, they will simultaneously be able to mark off their bingo cards.

Mecca Bingo’s decision to launch Spingo stems from a survey revealing that 43% of the nation has made fitness resolutions for 2024, with 22% specifically seeking more exciting workout options.