Rep. Frankel ‘totally certain’ Pennsylvania casino smoking ban will pass

Rep. Frankel ‘totally certain’ Pennsylvania casino smoking ban will pass

Article brief provided by PlayPennsylvania
  • Corey Sharp, PlayPennsylvania
November 7, 2023 8:39 PM
  • Corey Sharp, PlayPennsylvania

The smoking debate inside Pennsylvania casinos is starting to gain some traction. Allegheny County Democratic Rep. Dan Frankel is holding a vote at the meeting on Nov. 15 to move House Bill 1657 forward. The bill, also known as the Protecting Workers from Secondhand Smoke Act, would effectively end smoking inside Pennsylvania casinos.

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Frankel spoke to PlayPennsylvania earlier this week and explained how the upcoming meeting works and what’s to come should the bill move forward.

House Bill 1657 is challenging the loopholes that were instituted in the Clean Indoor Air Act of 2008…

Frankel, who is also the majority chair of the health committee, is holding a meeting to push the bill through the committee and onto the House floor.