Missouri: Camden County debates casino options at Lake of the Ozarks

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 9:16 PM
Photo:  Shutterstock
  • Parker Padgett, OzarksFirst.com

Gaming advocates are rolling the dice on the future, debating whether to allow a casino to be built at the Lake of the Ozarks.

“There are 13 state-regulated casinos in the state of Missouri,” said Timothy Hand, speaking on behalf of Osage River Gaming. “Those 13 organizations generate more tax revenue for the state than the other 160,000 businesses combined with the state of Missouri’s largest revenue source.”

However, some people in Camden County say a casino is a risky bet.

“I think it’ll just take advantage of what we already have down here and sort of parasite off the existing businesses, and we don’t buy the argument,” Joe Roeger said.