ESPN Bet app takes in more money since operator Penn dropped Barstool brand

Thursday, January 11, 2024 8:42 PM
Photo:  ESPN BET (courtesy)
  • Christopher Palmeri, Bloomberg News

Penn Entertainment Inc. is taking in more wagers from its new ESPN Bet sports-betting app than it did under the jettisoned Barstool brand, according to analysts and data from several states.

In Maryland, mobile wagers on ESPN Bet jumped to $42.4 million in December from $16.4 million under the Barstool name a year ago, according to state results reported Wednesday. That placed Penn third behind industry leaders FanDuel and DraftKings Inc., and ahead of rivals BetMGM and Caesars Entertainment Inc.

In Iowa, Penn generated mobile sports wagers of $18.8 million in December, more than double the $7.2 million in the year-ago period, according to data released by the state this week.