Raving, a Tribal gaming and hospitality company, Tuesday announced that its 2025 and 2026 conferences will be held at a single site, the Pechanga Resort Casino in Temecula, California.
The conference schedule features “Raving NEXT: Indian Gaming Strategic Operations & Leadership Conference” in January, and “Casino Marketing & Technology, and Host and Player Development Conference” in July.
“We are very pleased that Raving NEXT will be hosting all of their conferences and events at Pechanga,” said Pechanga Development Corporation President Ken Perez in a statement. “Many of our own team members have benefitted from Raving NEXT’s invaluable conferences and workshops. Raving’s series of conferences at Pechanga are sure to be win-win events.”
Raving, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023, added a conference and media division in 2000.
“Raving NEXT has always been hosted by a tribal gaming property,” said Raving CEO & Owner Deana Scott. “However, this is the first time that the Casino Marketing & Technology and Host & PD Conference will be held outside of Nevada, at an Indian gaming property,” said Raving CEO & Owner Deana Scott. “What an opportunity for our international, racino, and commercial operators to experience our conference at a world-class Tribal resort.”
Raving also publishes Tribal Gaming and Hospitality Magazine and offers consulting services. The company states that thousands of gaming leaders and executives have completed Raving’s “rigorous, relative, and hands-on programs.”
“I absolutely love having our conferences at Tribally-owned properties,” said Raving Conference Director Christine Faria. “They are true ‘hosts’ and welcome our attendees in unique ways, sharing their culture; they go the extra mile to make the experience personal, and their executives are engaged. It’s important that we support tribes with our conference business and it’s inspiring for our attendees to visit these very successful Tribal enterprises that are setting the standard for destination resorts.”