Virginia: Norfolk planners OK temporary casino. Pamunkey request next goes before City Council

Virginia: Norfolk planners OK temporary casino. Pamunkey request next goes before City Council

Article brief provided by Virginia Business
  • Robyn Sidersky, Virginia Business
May 26, 2022 10:23 PM
  • Robyn Sidersky, Virginia Business

The Norfolk Planning Commission Thursday approved a request for a conditional use permit from the Pamunkey Tribe to open a temporary casino at Harbor Park before opening the nearby $500 million HeadWaters Resort & Casino. The request now goes to Norfolk’s city council in June.

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Harbor Park is home to Norfolk’s minor league baseball team, the Tides, and is located along the Elizabeth River. The temporary casino would be housed at the stadium within the Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker Boxing and Fitness Center, which has been shuttered about two and a half years, and within the Hits at the Park restaurant.

The center’s first floor would house the casino and the second floor would include casino space and a high-end sports bar and grill.