Tyler “Trainwrecks” Niknam is a gamer and gambler with 2.1 million followers on the live-streaming platform Twitch, known for his sense of humor, honesty and occasional controversy. But the streamer’s massive following belies months of bubbling dissatisfaction with the platform on which he and other streamers made their names and fortunes. That resentment came to the fore Monday. In a statement posted to Twitter, Niknam blasted recent policy changes at Twitch and gestured at an ambitious plan to, in his words, “make the live-streaming world better.”
“[Twitch] was and is built off of our backs,” Niknam told The Washington Post… “They take half of most creators’ sub revenue while charging viewers increased rates just to donate to their favorite streamers, they play ads everywhere and give us terrible ad rates, and ask for exclusivity in return for nothing, all while giving us close to no job security.”