Mississippi casino gross revenue hits all-time high in March, topping $235M

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 8:58 PM
Photo:  Shutterstock
  • J.R. Duren, PlayUSA

March was the Mississippi casino industry’s one shining moment. The 25 casinos in Mississippi generated their highest adjusted gross revenue total in state history, tallying $235.1 million. That figure is up 13.8% over February 2024 Mississippi casino revenue.

Mississippi casinos’ monthly revenue rise was the third-biggest in the past 12 months. Additionally, average daily revenue rose from $7.1 million to $7.6 million…

Individual revenue records drove March’s unprecedented numbers for each of the state’s three casino regions: Coastal, $149 million; Northern, $53.7 million; Central, $32.4 million.

While the Central and Northern regions barely beat their record, the Coastal region blew past its previous high of $142.1 million in March 2023. This past month was the first time in state history a region posted more than $145 million in adjusted gross revenue.