Hawaii sports betting bill would levy a 55% tax on sportsbooks

Hawaii sports betting bill would levy a 55% tax on sportsbooks

Article brief provided by SportsHandle
  • Jeff Edelstein, SportsHandle
January 25, 2022 7:44 PM
  • Jeff Edelstein, SportsHandle

Hawaii is one of two states in the nation – the other being Utah – that offers zero opportunities for any sort of legalized gaming, including lotteries.

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But Hawaii House Bill 1815, which dropped late last week, is seeking to change that, as the author of the bill, Rep. John Mizuno, is hoping to pass sports betting legislation.

The bill – which Mizuno himself called an “opening salvo” on Monday when pressed by Sports Handle – contains language that, at first glance, made it unclear who, exactly, would be on the hook for the 55% tax, with some commenters believing it would be the bettors themselves.