California: Redding council doubles down on opposition of casino expansion

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 7:59 PM
  • David Benda, Redding Record Searchlight

The Redding City Council reiterated its opposition to the Redding Rancheria’s plan to relocate its Win-River Resort Casino to freeway frontage property near the Sacramento River along unincorporated Shasta County.

By a 4-0 vote Tuesday night, the council approved a cover letter that will be attached to its 2019 letter of opposition to the U.S Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Mayor Michael Dacquisto was absent Tuesday. It was Vice Mayor Mark Mezzano, who led the meeting in Dacquisto’s absence, who initially made a motion to let the 2019 letter in opposition stand before the council unanimously voted to add the cover letter.